The Memory of Water and Its Powerful Potential

Hello Friends,

This documentary is available for a limited time only from GAIA TV - thank you Gaia! Afterwards it can be found there with a subscription.

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It is a fascinating studio of the properties of water, in particular its frequency and vibration. It takes the work of Dr. Emoto's studies of water crystals one step further and demonstrates how water has memory and how it can be programmed in various ways. Water can be killed or carry negative energy, even for generations. And it can be revitalized. This information is groundbreaking and I believe it holds the key to our survival as a human race!

'The basic principle in the Universe is vibration and vibration can be created by the principle of resonance. Without resonance, vibration doesn't exist and this is the truth in the Universe. In the quantum world, very small units of things resonate with each other and that's how they affirm themselves. So we are able to re-confirm the existence of things by seeing them through this resonance theory.'    Dr. Masaru Emoto

Here are my thoughts on this:

Hello Friends,

This documentary is available for a limited time only from GAIA TV - thank you Gaia! Afterwards it can be found there with a subscription.

Link to Video

This is a fascinating study of the properties of water, in particular its frequency and vibration. It takes the work of Dr. Emoto's studies of water crystals one step further. Dr. Emoto's ground breaking experiments, which were featured in the film 'What the Bleep Do We Know' in the '90's, demonstrate how crystalized water molecules respond to human thought and emotion by changing their form. These new experiments demonstrate that water has memory and that it can be programmed  by human thought and emotion in various ways. Water can be killed  or completely depleted of its vitality.  It can carry negative energy, even for generations. And it can be brought back to life, so to speak, and programmed to revitalize human cells. This information is groundbreaking and I believe it holds the key to our survival as a human race!

'The basic principle in the Universe is vibration and vibration can be created by the principle of resonance. Without resonance, vibration doesn't exist and this is the truth in the Universe. In the quantum world, very small units of things resonate with each other and that's how they affirm themselves. So we are able to re-confirm the existence of things by seeing them through this resonance theory.'    Dr. Masaru Emoto

Here are my thoughts on this:

While I love Dr. Emoto's quote above, however I think it is more accurate to say that vibration is the most basic principle in the Universe and that vibration is an expression of consciousness. Consciousness is the activating principle behind vibration. Consciousness creates the electrical currents within the brain that produce brain waves and result in a thought, emotion or action.  In the famous double split experiments in quantum physics the wave patterns that the photons produced were simply an array of potentials and probabilities.  The patterns did not consolidate into a particle of solid matter until they were observed and interacted with by human consciousness. The conclusion? Essentially, matter does not exist in reality until consciousness becomes part of the equation. While it is still a mystery what or whom set the entire Universe of vibration and matter into motion, we can postulate that it was an enormously powerful emotion or thought emitted by the Creator or Universal Consciousness. Perhaps the biblical version of creation where 'the word' initiates creation is another way of expressing this truth. Further, in yogic philosophy and cosmology, the sound of the mantra 'Aum' reflects the original sound that generated creation. There are clues to this universal truth everywhere, if we are motivated to find them. One thing now becomes very clear: both sound and human thought impact on physical matter. Water is capable of changing its  molecular shape which is reflective of a particular quality of consciousness of thought. And it seems it can carry this vibrational energy or quality forward in time. And, not all water is the same. We all know that based on experience. Now we have some scientific understanding of why that is so.

The premise of this film is revolutionary to our world view because it holds to key to how we can solve humanity's most serious problems: how to clean up our environment, eradicate disease, maximize health, and actually create the kind of world we all want and desire. One that serves human needs. Consciousness does that. Conscious intent that puts matter into motion. The ancient Maya understood this. In their cosmological understanding, Hunab Ku, their name for the center of the galaxy, is the Giver of Movement and Measure. The galactic center is location of the great creative intelligence that keeps our galaxy spinning and perhaps created it in the first place. Through frequency and vibration. Could it be that we are a species with amnesia as Barbara Hand Clow postulates and we are just now remembering/re-discovering ancient truths?

Blue Zones:

Regarding the potency of water, consider the Blue Zones found around the world. These are geographic areas that have been demonstrated to extend the human life span and stimulate improved the health and vitality amongst the people who live there. There is a Blue Zone in the Guanacaste area of Costa Rica where I have spent some time. Statistically, many more individuals in this area live to be over 100 years old. I believe they are positively impacted by the purity of the ground water found there and by the special energetic properties it contains. This area lies between the Pacific Ocean and the Talamanca mountains with abundant waters and numerous cascading waterfalls. The land here is made up of the ancient lava flow from volcanic eruptions over millions of years. You can find this lava in crystalized form washing up on the beaches. Could it be that the vibrations caused by ancient earthquakes and volcanoes carry forward a vibrational frequency through the land and the water that is life enhancing?  Makes sense to me! I think the residents and thousands of visitors agree. Clearly, the frequencies within these waters provide something very special. There is much to be learned from places such as these..

Sacred Waters and Land That is Cursed:

The knowledge that water carries memory in the form of vibration also helps us to understand why some places carry demonstrably positive or negative energy that has an effect on the  surrounding life forms. Water may be blessed and carry the memory of positive intent, or it may hold the vibration of negative intent as in land that seems cursed. Think about the sacred waters and wells found around the world that have healing properties like Bridget's Holy Well in Ireland or the healing waters at Lourdes, France. It seems these waters have been blessed, or programmed, to carry healing properties through time. After hundreds of years, people still visit these places and receive miraculous healing in some cases. Likewise, other places are said to be haunted or cursed and seem to have a negative impact on the life forms that live there, especially humans. This human emotional reaction to a place is actually caused by interaction of the human vibrational field with the negative vibrations contained within the place that may carry the memory imprint of a negative event that occurred there like war, murder  or strong negativity if some kind. And human thought or consciousness drives those emotions.

Humans can sense the vibrational energy of a place because their own electromagnetic fields interact with the fields emitted all around them. More than just feeling it however, they have the ability to modify the vibrations they encounter  - to clear stagnating energy from the past and to re-program it, so to speak. This is a skill that we may all practice and develop. Through our innate bioelectric energy, we humans have the ability to resonate with  the frequency or vibration that a place carries. This energy is particularly strong in places where there is an abundance of ground water because water is an excellent conductor of electrical energy and thus a transmitter of the frequencies contained within it. Dowsing is an example of an ancient technology that accesses the vibrational qualities of water. It has been used for centuries in Europe and elsewhere, mainly to discover the presence of water in order to build a well. The dowers is able to feel the vibrational energy of the water that lies beneath the ground and to accurately determine its location, the direction and vitality of its flow and other factors. Now that we understand a little better how dowsing works it is gaining respect and popularity once again.

Psychics Intuitives and Shamans:

A psychic intuitive or shaman is a master at interacting with frequency fields of place, people or things with results that may seem miraculous or metaphysical. And indeed they are metaphysical,  beyond the physical, because these abilities rely upon the  extra sensory perception  contained within the human auric or bioelectric fields. These senses derive from the non-physical layers of the subtle body or electromagnetic energy that human bodies possess. And these electromagnetic energies contain data and information. Information that can help us to heal and to evolve.

Healing: You could say that the human electromagnetic field transmits information and consciousness. When connected to God/Source these abilities become enhanced and we gain 'extra' abilities to access data from the field, to use frequencies to heal, or to gather information about the future and past.  A human who has become adept at these abilities has abilities that may seem extraordinary but are actually available to all of us. They may even have insight into the events that occurred in a particular location, or within the psyche of an individual, because they are able to tune in to that frequency to access information. Through resonant interaction with an individual's vibrational field they may pick up on the memories, beliefs and impressions of an individual's life and gain insight into how they may heal or enhance their well being in some way.  Through resonance they have the ability to connect, one consciousness to another, and help an individual to clear negativity and limiting beliefs from the auric field in order to heal and to evolve. Through the injection of positive intent, or directed positive energy, they are able to interact with one's energetic frequency in order to re-program it and to initiate a different story moving forward. One that is free of the negative frequencies of past traumas, even from past lives. Of course, the effectiveness of this process long term depends upon the individual's ability to learn the process for themselves. 

Yok'hah Maya and Sacred Cenotes:

I think the cenotes of the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico carry similar information and properties, perhaps galactic information, because the ancient Maya were very connected to the galactic energy that emanates from the center of the Milky Way. They called this place Hunab Ku - the Giver of Movement and Measure. They knew that all frequency and vibration in the galaxy emanates from this central location and is transmitted to us through our star, the sun. The Maya also venerated the sacred the cenotes found within the Yucatan Peninsula and throughout Central America. These cenotes are connected underground through vast rivers and cave systems. It is possible that these waters still carry information that was programmed by the ancient Maya hundreds, maybe thousands of years ago? This information and the healing properties of the cenotes, particularly the sacred cenotes found at the pyramid centers, may offer us rejuvenation and even access to ancient wisdom that the Maya considered important to our wellbeing and to the evolution of our consciousness. Because obviously the ancient Maya were an extremely advanced spiritual culture that understood frequency, as evidenced by the great pyramids that they constructed which are great conduits of electromagnetic energy. Much of this ancient information is either hidden or lost, but remnants remain today within traditional Mayan culture. One of these remnants are the teaching of Yok'hah Maya, which is a form of shamanic yoga found in the Yucatan of Mexico and perhaps elsewhere in Central America, wherever the Maya left an impact.

Yok'hah Maya: While it may be astonishing to many that yoga existed in ancient times outside of India, there is plenty of evidence for this around the world within other ancient cultures. The ancient Egyptians also practiced a form of yoga and there are similarites between yoga and martial arts practices found in China and Japan. All of these systems seek to harness the lifeforce energy known variously as prana, chi, ki, etc depending on the culture. Lifeforce energy is bioelectric human energy, electromagnetic vibration that carries universal intelligence. This energy is activated through yoga practices and is contained within the tradition of Yok'hah Maya. One of the principle aims of Yok'hah Maya is to revitalize the crystaline structure within the blood, which is primarily made of water and carries our DNA code. In Yok'hah Maya, the crystals within the blood are activated through intentional connection with the sun and the profound frequencies that the sun transits. It stands to reason that if water is profoundly affected by electromagnetic frequencies, the sun plays a major role in this activation, especially when combined with conscious human intent. I am extremely grateful that remnants of the teachings remain in the form of Yok'hah Maya, and within yoga in general, as guide posts to this ancient knowledge.

Some Warnings:

The process is really much more scientific than is is 'woo-woo', now that we have the science to measure it and the ability to better understand what is going on. Yet, we still have so much to learn about electromagnetic frequencies and their potential for healing and for harm. It is concerning that our waterways have become so polluted and that our drinking water no longer carries information and vibration vital to our wellbeing. Even more so, when we consider that our waters are being sold to the highest bidder which means that we are losing access and control of the very substance that is essential to human life. 

Exciting Conclusions:

There are other distressing concerns related to frequency and health. Our current technologies are having a negative impact on our health through the harmful electromagnetic energies they emitted through cell phone radiation, wifi and electronic devices of all kinds. An excellent resource on the subject of electrical fields and health is the book by Arthur Firstenburg titled 'The Invisible Rainbow'. His conclusions are particularly concerning when one considers that the current vaccine programs contain graphene oxide nanoparticles that, once inside of us, multiply and may be controlled via an external source or AI program. The method of interaction between these nanoparticles and AI is electromagnetic frequency. Is it a coincidence that as the vaccine program accelerates, so too is the rush to implement 5 G cellphone technology that is multitudes stronger than the previous generation? Could it be that the electromagnetic frequencies transmitted by 5G can transform the components within the vaccine into something much more sinister?

We are in uncharted territory. Currently, a frequency war is being waged upon the human population. There are those who seek to control the human through the use of frequency. One may argue that this pandemic was manufactured for nefarious purposes of financial control and even genocide. As dramatic or crazy as that may seem to many, there is plenty of evidence. Just take a deeper look at the aims of the World Economic Forum on their webpage. Examine the layers and layers of plans they have been working on for decades. Consider the UN Agenda 21/30. Consider the Event 201 where the elite were practicing how to respond to such a coronavirus pandemic, just a few weeks before it happened. And consider the many deaths and serious illness now being caused by the injection as evidenced and documented in VAERS, even though only a fragment of deaths are currently being reported there.  The population is being coerced into taking an injection, called a vaccine, that contains graphene oxide nanoparticles that interface with AI frequencies that are outside of our control. Frequency is being used as a  weapon against the human population, intentionally by some, and unintentionally by others.

I believe our salvation lies in our ability to become knowledgeable about the realm of frequency and vibration  with its ability to enhance life or destroy it. As we become more aware of these powerful potentials we gain the ability to respond to the current crisis and to direct these energies in more positive ways for the benefit of humanity, as was demonstrated by the great scientific work of Nicola Tesla and others. Clearly, there are so much better ways of doing almost everything in our world!  These technologies and methods were known by the ancients. It is time today for this knowledge to be re-discovered and revitalized to that we can begin the business of healing and transforming our world into the Garden of Eden that it once was and is intended to be.

So, let's get started: dominate your reality with the frequencies of love, truth and freedom! Like your life depends on it.

Namaste, I acknowledge the divine spark that is within you that is also within me

In Lak'ech, I recognize your spirit and that I am you and you are me


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